Saturday 28 November 2009


My mum took the above pictures of me this morning. I look very happy in the above pictures, don't I? If she were to take my pictures again now, you will definitely see a very unhappy me.
Why? It is because of an email that I received from the editor of my book called "Red Occasions". I wrote the book over a period of 4 years from 2003 to 2006. A representative from Pelanduk Publishing House contacted me in March 2006 and said they were interested in Publishing my book and since then I have been been put in contact with one of their editors, Mr Woo, who has worked with me, making additions and changes to complete the book until December 2008. In his last email to me, he said that the book would be sent to Perpustakaan Negara to get the copyright approved and then I had to wait until it got the green light. I kept waiting and waiting from January this year until now and finally emailed Mr Woo to ask about the publication date. To my surprise, he said that he no longer was with Pelanduk and told me to refer my queries to Ms Chong, the lady who contacted me initially.
Aiyoh! My heart sank when I read the email. I have this bad feeling that something bad happened to my book and maybe it would never get published. All my years of hard work not to mention the embarassment and shame I felt whenever my friends or relatives asked me about it. I was the one who told them to get ready to buy the book but now I am not even sure whether it will ever see the light of day. Boo Hoo Hoo!

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