Monday 2 November 2009


I took this picture of my colleague having his lunch in school. He seemed not be enjoying his food from the looks of it.
See! He was trying hard to finish the food on his plate. He told the canteen lady that he was eating all vegetables as he wanted to lose weight. I remember some time back when I told him that I like eating the food at the vegetarian restaurant and he said, "Yucks, the food taste has a funny taste". Yeah! And I have been eating this type of food ever since I could remember. Eh! Eh! Now look who has chosen to eat only veges? He must want to look slim and attractive very badly.
See! This is what he couldn't finish eating. Unlike me, he is not one who loves eating vegetables but is forcing himself to eat for the sake of looking good.

Actually he needn't really make himself suffer so much. He might end up malnourished as his plate is left uneaten. Wouldn't it be better if he ate decent portions of veges and meat? He could try exercising to burn the calories and at the same time maintain a healthy lifestyle. Another alternative is eating apples. Research has shown that eating one large apple can help reduce cholesterol by 8 - 11%. The apples also contain flavonoids which help prevent heart disease. Also eating green apples are good for weight loss because they have no fat in them and low in calories.

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