Thursday 12 November 2009


I had this query from one of my visitors and thought I would share the answer with other visitors to the blog.
In most houses, the original washing sink is next to the kitchen stove: Water and fire clashes. What are the likely implications? What is your recommended remedy?
My answer:
In the study of Wu Xing or 5 Elements, fire clashes with water. So placing the sink next to the stove would bring about this clash. The stove, which belongs to the fire element should not be next to the sink (or refrigerator), both of which are water elements. Ideally, the kitchen sink, stove and refrigerator should be placed in such a manner that they form a triangle.
Similarly, if the sink and stove are directly opposite each other, this can lead to arguments and conflict within the family.
Suggestions to remedy this problem:
If it is difficult to relocate the sink and stove, then one can remedy this by placing something green between them, such as a green mat on the floor or a living plant on a table in the center of the room. Similarly, a sink/refrigerator and stove that are side by side also weaken the energy of the kitchen. Use the same remedy as mentioned above, that is, place something green between them.

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