Tuesday 3 November 2009


The round thingy in the embroidered box is not a pearl. It is actually the casing for the Bak Foong Pill which my mum made be eat every time after my menstruation. When I was younger I had to swallow one whole big lump of the herb but nowadays they have made it into smaller pills which is much easier to digest.
Why is this particular herb so popular among Chinese ladies? It is because it is made from no less than 20 exotic ingredients including black sesame seeds, deer antler and cinammon bark. The concoction is supposed to help regulate symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle, helps maintain circulatory system and invigorate vital energy. It provides nourishment for mothers after childbirth and restore a feeling of wellbeing. But the thing I like most about the benefits of these pills is that it improves complexion and promotes youthfulness.
Mind you, my Malay colleagues have also learnt to take the Bak Foong Yuen for good health and general wellbeing.

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