Sunday 1 November 2009

The 6 House Types that Prevent Prosperity

by Kathryn Weber

Could your house be one?
When your home has a poor arrangement or certain architectural characteristics, you could find that your financial situation is a constant struggle. Particular homes lend themselves to wonderful abundance and material prosperity and yet others offer only financial trial and tribulation for their owners.
Some houses are more likely to help the occupants acquire the wealth they desire and those are the homes that have few, if any, feng shui challenges. Of course, every house has challenges, but some are more significant than others.

When you look at homes that have more serious obstacles to wealth accumulation, they fall along a number of lines. If your house isn’t one of the homes listed below, then count yourself lucky! If you do have a house that has one of the following challenges then you'll be relieved to know there is a reason that money has been such a problem for you.
Houses that prevent prosperity are many, but some are more common than others. Below are several house types that stop material advancement and wealth and opportunities for their residents.

The L-shaped house.

This house is shaped in such a way that there will be a serious case of missing sectors. When there are missing sectors, this can severely limit the opportunities that a house receives – and consequently the money that the residents make. This is also called the “cleaver” house because the shape is that of a cleaver – which cuts off opportunities wherever the missing corners fall. Correcting the missing sectors is important. An addition to the house or completing the house symbolically with a garden, a roof, etc., will help.

Emptiness house.

An emptiness house falls along the lines of the cardinal directions (N,S,E,W) and subdirections (SE,NW,NE,SW). This creates a very yin house that causes health complications, money is extremely difficult to generate, growth is futile and there is an overall lack of accomplishment. In short, nothing can succeed in an emptiness house. Correcting this is important because nothing can happen in a vacuum – and that is the best definition of a yin line.

Big mouth house.

Unfortunately, many architects have stressed the importance of automobiles versus people. These houses have giant, oversized garages that gobble up the energy that should be going into the house. You’ll notice the garage before the front door and this limits the opportunity for energy to enter the house. A picture of this type of house is above.
When homes, which are already yin to begin with, are cut off from the flow of energy, the residents cannot create financial traction. Acquiring wealth and growing financially is a struggle. Correcting this involves creating more energy at the front door and taking the emphasis away from the garage through the use of color or other design techniques.

Door and house facing differences.

When the door to a house faces a different direction than the house, this can create problems generating energy and bringing chi into the house. Growth slows and the financial picture becomes a question of just trying to retain what you have. To stimulate growth and prosperity, the door should be moved. At the least, more emphasis should be placed at the door with lighting, color, and décor. If there are any large windows, these should be emphasized to allow energy to enter the house.

No support house.

The house that has ground that slopes away from the back of the house is in a constant state of trying to hold up financial appearances. The money seems to slip away and there is no accumulation of wealth. Lighting at the rear of the house will help to shore up the energy drain from the house.

Locked or imprisoned house.

The locked house is severely restricted in the ability to generate income. This is called an imprisoned house because the occupants simply have no choices in life – similar to being imprisoned. The locked house occurs at various time intervals and creates problems with conceiving children, businesses going bankrupt and an inability to maintain relationships. If you live in a house that has not been updated since the last period (1984-2003), and have had severe difficulties, you might have a P’o chun (“breaker of armies”) house. Renovation, updating or redecorating is the key to unlocking your home.
If you have a house like one of these above, take heart. If you have a house that has one -- or more -- of these problems, get to work! Most can be corrected in some manner and that's the good news. The wonderful part about feng shui is that it helps you to both diagnose the problem and helps you find the solution.

© K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2009

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