Hey! Do you know that there is one place in India where they make paper from elephant poo (excrement)? According to the site that I visited, it said that the paper does not smell and is also bacteria free. In the picture above, the lady is sorting out the washed elephant poo.

This looks yucky, doesn't it? It seems that the poo is being beaten to pulp in a beater.

The two girls are lifting the poo pulp from a cement vat filled with water by using a sieve.

Here is a photo album made from the elephant poo paper.

Haathi Chaap bags. For your information, elephant in Hindi is Haathi and paper is chaap.

A haathi chaap photo frame


The end products do look great. I wonder if they could make paper from other types of animal poo?
Want to know more about the elephant poo paper, then please go to this site:
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