It is a really frightening sight seeing the bodies of the victims of the recent earthquake in Indonesia being buried under the rubble of what used to be their homes. I read a news article in the Sunday Star that we here in Malaysia shouldn't be too complacent thinking that our country is immune from such a natural disaster. Do you know that on April 29 this year there was an earthquake in Malaysia and the epicentre was in the Manjung district (where I live). The quake happened on a Wednesday and I recall being at home in Sitiawan and feeling little tremors. My friends who live in Seri Manjung got a bigger dose of the tremors.
So what I am harping at is that wherever we are and however safe we think the geographic location is, there is always the possibility of the unexpected happening.
Do you know that the price of houses in the Manjung district is still very high given the fact of what happened in April? I guess people here do not really feel threatened as the earthquake that we got was a very minor one. However, one must never be too complacent. Always be prepared for the unexpected.
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