Saturday, 3 October 2009


How to get what you want in life by creating space for it

by Kathryn Weber

In today's shopaholic world, we have a tendency to hang on to too much stuff. Our homes and offices are jammed with equipment, clothing, papers, and all those bargains we haul home from the mall.

The problem, though, everyone says, is the clutter. Actually, the real problem is not the stuff, it's the lack of space. When we don't have space, there's nowhere to grow and no room for anything new. Instead, we experience more stuffing and filling versus positive, beneficial growth.

Recently, I was consulting on a large commercial project. The architect recommended that the client leave some empty space for future expansion. I told the architect that was a brilliant idea. Too often no one plans for growth and expansion and then has to worry about where to grow and where to go. Instead, what happens is a too-small space gets rearranged and more crammed with time.

Some time ago, I lost some weight. My clothes no longer fit. As I stood in the closet looking at my old clothes, my thought was that I wanted a closet full of beautiful new clothes that fit my new size and projected my new, slimmer image. That's when it occurred to me that I couldn't have what I wanted until I got rid of what I didn't want. So, I took a hard look at all my old, now-baggy outdated clothes and began pulling them out to throw away or give to charity. My closet now had space -- space to grow and get what I wanted instead of being filled to capacity with what I didn't want.

Soon after, I stumbled on a huge sale at a pricey boutique with bargain basement prices on some fabulous clothes. I bought almost $1000 worth of great clothes that had been slashed to $9.99 and $14.99 and $19.99. So, at those prices, I was able to fill my closet with gorgeous clothes -- and matching accessories. I was in heaven. Now, I go in my closet and can't wait to get dressed, knowing I have so much to choose from.

The point is to be thoughtful about what it is you want in your life. Is it more money, more opportunities, more friends? If so, you can take a big step in the direction of what you want simply by creating the space for it.

Here are six ways you can get what you want by creating the space for it.
  1. Want more business or career opportunities?
    Clear off the front of your desk. Keep the area in front of your desk open and clear. Are you committing a feng shui sin and facing the wall at your desk? Turn it around and put your desk in an executive position so that you are not facing an obstacle or block. A wall in front of you stunts your growth. Make sure your front entry is beautiful, open, and uncluttered. This invites opportunities to you.

  2. Do you want more wealth?
    Sweep the sidewalks and clear out the southeast corner of your living room and the garden too. Keep your wallet orderly. Be respectful of your money and don't just wad it up and ram it in your purse or wallet. Clear out your financial files and shred old, unnecessary items. The last step, and perhaps the most important, make space for your accumulated wealth.
    Set aside a binder and label it "Investments." Even if you don't have any investments, this is where you're going to put your information once you start them. Call your investment person and ask how you can get started slowly on building some investments, with a DRIP (dividend reinvestment program) for example, that you can pay a small monthly amount into. Then, make your wealth accumulation an obligation, like a bill, and put money regularly into your investment. That's the secondary secret to wealth: consistency.

  3. Do you want better health?
    Clean out your pantry, cupboards, refrigerator and freezer. Old food represents stagnant energy -- and that leads to stagnant health. Use organizers in your pantry and refrigerator to help you keep food organized, easy to find, and accessible.
    Don't allow food in your home to become old, outdated, or worse, moldy. Clean the refrigerator out every time you go to the grocery store. Throw away those jelly jars with a teaspoon of jam at the bottom. A good clearing out and cleaning of your refrigerator will help you find items faster -- and help your health.

  4. Do you feel pressured and stressed?
    Clear our your closets and drawers and be ruthless. Those hidden messes create pressure and stress. Get rid of "obligation" articles and furniture. Stuff you feel guilty about getting rid of creates an environment of guilt -- who can grow in that? And watch those "collectibles." Really, do you need 242 ceramic clowns?

  5. Looking for love to enter your life?
    Stop hogging the bed and sleep on the correct side (women on the right, men on the left as you are in the bed). Clear out a space in the closet for your new love and have two nightstand tables and matching lamps in anticipation of a love interest to come into your life.

  6. Want more friends and social opportunities?
    Open up the south corner of your home. Throw the curtains open, take the clutter out of the corners of this sector and throw away old papers, magazines, and any excess. Put a healthy, lush plant in its place. Move the furniture around and take up a carpet if you have one here. This will speed up the chi in the room to make the phone ring with invitations from friends!

    Create some open space for what you want to happen in your life and cram the space for what you don't want (like using a small basket to hold your bills). You might be surprised at how open space can attract what you want in your life simply by giving you the room to grow.

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "Easy Money - 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui" visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

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