Monday, 28 September 2009


At the battery shop to buy a new car battery
Haji Hasnin installing the new battery for me

Eary this morning when I turned on the ignition with my car keys, the engine just refused to start. Oh! Oh! Experience had told me that something might be wrong with the battery. Thankfully, Haji Hasnin answered my distress call and came and helped me out. To be honest, my knowledge of cars is to drive, fill up with petrol and wash them. Anything more, this damsel will be really distressed and that is when all her male colleagues will come to the rescue. I am lucky as many of them know what to do and they are also really chivalrous.
Haji Hasnin and a few of my male friends tease me by saying that one can't trust me with a car. He even made me buy a battery that I don't need to add water since I seem to neglect doing that most of the time.

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