Friday, 21 August 2009


What does Taiwanese actor Mark Zhao have in common with Korean superstar, Rain? Why, besides having excellent physiques, both celebrities have single eyelids.
Now this single eyelid business is sort of an issue among Asians. There are quite a number who feel that having single eyelids is not attractive. As a result, many have gone for plastic surgery to get double eyelids. Even Rain contemplated on getting them as he was told by interviewers, for auditions he attended, that his single eyelids made him less attractive. Fortunately, the plastic surgeon advised him against it as he said double eyelids did not suit him. Thank goodness for that as I feel that Rain looks great the way he does.
Similarly I had read that the single eyelid issue also bothered Mark Zhao for a while. Don't know whether he ever thought of having the surgery done but to me he looks so cute just the way he is. Furthermore, changing ones facial features might also possibly change ones fate to a certain extent. So to those who are dissatisfied with having single eyelids, they should think twice before going under the knife.

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