I recommended the Pecah Kaca plant to the chief clerk at my school, Puan Alisa yesterday. She was suffering from hypertension and had mentioned her condition to Puan Kamariah who told me about it. What better way to make use of the herbs planted in our herb garden than to recommend them to our staff and teachers.
Here is some information about this herb.
Here in Malaysia we call it pecah kaca kaca (literally translated to mean 'broken glass', pecah beling or jin batu. The Chinese refer to it as the black face general. Its scientific name is Strobilanthes crispus or Saricocalix crispus (Acanthaceae) . The plant was originally from Madagascar.
This plant is easy to cultivate and the leaves are used traditionally in cancer treatment, diabetes, help to get rid of kidney stones and works as a diuretic agent (meaning if you have trouble urinating, then it helps to 'unblock' the system). Studies have shown that the leaves are an antioxidant.
- Here are some of the benefits that the pecah kaca is said to have:
eliminates kidney stones. - helps deactivate the development of colon cell cancer, liver cancer and also breast cancer.
helps to kill the cancer cell through apoptosis process without any harm. - reduces the cholesterol level
- anti-diabetes and anti-microbe
- helps to increase the activity of anti-oxidant to protect body from free radical.
The Chinese usually plant this herb to be taken as a cure for high blood pressure and diabetis.
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