Monday, 23 February 2009


As the Media teacher of my school, one of my duties is to make sure that there will be educational DVDs and CDs for teaching and learning. Previously, I only needed to make sure that the library have a stock of them from the Ministry of Education or purchased from shops. This year the school administration has decided that we needed to come up with Videos of our own besides photographs. So now all the major events like Sports, Cross Country Run, Speech Day, Results Day will be videotaped. Taking the video is easy but editing the material is very, very difficult and tiresome. For your information, I am just beginning to learn how to do the editing. Lessons started last week.
I think I am rather slow in mastering the technique. I understand the procedure but when it comes to doing the editing, I end up with choppy work that is not smooth. That is why I decided to take a break and visited You Tube to watch some of the edited videos there. Click to view the clips from "Iljimae", "Wang Il Namja", "Virgin Snow", "My Girl" and "The Time Between Dog and Wolf" in which Lee Jun-Ki stars. I am embarassed to say that the videos are done by young fans of the actor. This old fan of his is still struggling to learn the basics. So shameful!

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