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Pan-Chang (Mystic Knot) is one of the eight Buddhist treasures. The Pan-Chang Knot is intricate and elegant and has many uses. It can also be combined with other knots for a larger design. It is tightly knotted together and can be used for hanging a heavy ornament.
Four rows of Pan-Chang Knot requires 22" of No. 5 string.
You need a length of 60" to work with.
Six rows of Pan-Chang Knot requires 36" of No. 5 string.
You need a length of 84" to work with.
Eight rows of Pan-Chang Knot requires 54" of No. 5 string.
You need a length of 160" work with.
Hints: This knot appears complicated, but follows a regular pattern, as shown in the figures.
Source: http://www.co.middlesex.nj.us/culturalheritage/chineseknotting/panchang.html
Thnak you very much for the valuable Mystic Knot description. I have enjoyed making it and exhibiting it.
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