Of all the characters that I have watched on telly and in movies, my favourite is Xu Le as portrayed by Vic Chou in "Wish to see you again". Now, Xu Le is not the typical hero that one finds in romantic dramas; you know the type who are macho, suave, dashing and hero-like. Nope! This fella is awkward, eccentric, quirky, bad-tempered, keeps to himself most of the time and is far from romantic. Plus he is really skinny and seems not to shave or comb his hair for some parts of the show. His number one passion is writing and in the movie he suffered from writer's block and had to resort to doing all sorts of things to find inspiration to write. Like him, when writing, I am lost to the world. I have once lost track of time when writing my book; I had started in the morning at around 9.00 a.m. and without realising it was writing non-stop until 3.00 the next morning. Sometimes, even when I am talking with friends or family, I suddenly think of a phrase or sentence and I'd be lost to them.
I see a lot of myself in Xu Le as far as writing is concerned. The things he does to get inspiration for writing I have experienced and the rejections that he went through, I had. Believe me, I cried when I saw how depressed he was on knowing that his newest book was rejected. I think Vic Chou must have followed some writer around and interviewed a few in preparation for this role. I salute him for his portrayal. He was great as Xu Le
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