Thursday 10 July 2008


My friends, Puan Kamariah and Tuan Haji Hasnin, suggested that I do more posts on herbs in my blog and I have decided to oblige them. They say that I should share what I know so that others might be able to make use of the tips.

Today, I would like to write about the Indian Pennywort or what we call Pegaga in the Malay Language. This is a very common plant which can be easily grown. Look at the plant that I have in my own garden in Sitiawan. My mum grows a few pots of this plant in our house in Ipoh. For her it is more for decorative purposes as she finds them to be pretty.
One can eat it raw like a salad leaf, (in Malay this is called Ulam) pegaga is believed by the Malays to help maintain youthfulness. A decoction of juice from the leaves is thought to relieve hypertension. This juice is also used as a general tonic for good health. A poultice of the leaves is also used to treat open sores.
The botanic name for this plant is Centella asiatica. Besides being used to comabt aging, it is used to re-vitalize the brain and nervous system, increase attention span and concentration, and combat aging. It is also said to possess anti-oxidant properties. It is used for opium detoxification in Thailand.
Here is a list of things that Centella asiatica or pegaga can be used for:
  • rheumatism
  • extra vitality
  • increasing brain power
  • lowering blood sugar levels
  • skin conditions
  • fever
  • sore throat
  • heatiness
  • increased concentration
  • poor circulation
  • arthritis
  • senility
  • varicose veins
  • slimming
  • detoxification
  • revitalizing connective tissue,
  • burn and scar treatment,
  • high blood pressure,
  • sedative,
  • anti-stress,
  • anti-anxiety,
  • an aphrodisiac,
  • immune booster,
  • anabolic and adaptogen etc.
  1. The leaves are used for make the herbal tea brew.
    PLEASE NOTE: Ingesting large quantities of this herb is not advised as it can cause headaches and may also interfere with hypoglycemic medication.
  2. When making herbal tea the standard way to make an infusion is to pour a cup of boiling water over the material to be infused, let it stand for 5 minutes, strain it, and drink it.
  3. The leaves can be used to make a salad or it can be blended and made into a drink.


All nutrients, including centella asiatica, should be taken in balance with other nutrients since certain synergies and interdependence exist. This does not mean that mega-dose vitamin therapy should be discounted - on the contrary - but it should be done under supervision and with due reference to practical problems that might occur, as well as the state of your general health.


1 comment:

Episteemee said...

Hi Xing Fu,
do you know how to make pegaga drink?
with a blender or juicer?
thanks :-)