Tuesday 13 May 2008


This afternoon while I was having lunch with a few of the teachers at the school canteen, we were talking about the "tempe" which was one of the dishes on the menu today. It seems that one former chief minister of one of the states in Malaysia insisted that he ate a lot of tempe and hence, his facial complexion seems to become younger. Some parties accused him of using Botox (which is contravenes the Muslim faith) but he said tempe made him young.

Here is the news article:

MB Khir denies undergoing face job

SELANGOR Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo’s looks caught the media’s attention again, when Utusan Malaysia reported on his denial that he underwent facial surgery or Botox injections.
Dr Mohd Khir was speaking during a function at Taman Desa Ria PJS5 in Petaling Jaya on Sunday, when he said his youthful looks were mainly due to his diet of tempe or fried soyabeans, a Javanese delicacy.
“Tempe contains a high amount of proteins and it has nutritional contents to ward off cancer.
“The opposition has always accused me of using Botox or going under the knife, which I have not,” he said.
(source The Star : http://thestar.com.my/news/story.aspfile=/2008/2/5/nation/20232343&sec=nation)

Do I think that this tempe will make one look younger? Nah! I personally think the Botox and Vitamin C injections are more effective. But one can never tell! Why not give the "tempe" a try. Afterall it is delicious and is a good source of protein.

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