Wednesday 21 May 2008


Look at the above pictures of herbs that are growing abundantly outside a hardware shop in Ipoh. The owner of the premises plant the herbs and gives them out to whoever needs them. He does not charge a single sen for them. In fact, I have heard that sometimes they send the herbs to charitable institutions to benefit the sickly and needy. Believe it or not, the plants seem to be growing very healthily and they never seem to die off or become yellowish. My mum and I have been buying our hardware stuff from this shop for about 9 years now and we can vouch that the front and side facade of the place is always full of healthy herbal plants growing in abundance. Also the business of the shop appears to be thriving. My mum said that since the owner's intentions of planting them to aid people, then the powers above have lent them a hand in making sure that there will be a plentiful supply of herbs to be given away. From my parents and teachers, I was taught that the more that we give, then the more we will receive.

In Feng Shui the "wealth" or "prosperity" sector which is located in the far left or Southeast of a space) is not only just about money. It also has to do with receiving the generosity of others and of the Universe in all forms. In order to beget more wealth, we not only need to look at the wealth sector but also have to consider the 'benefactor' sector or the 'chien gua'. Bear in mind tht the 'chien gua' reminds us to remember that when we are acting as a benefactor to others, we need to give generously of our time, attention, experience, insight, skills, and of course, our money if we can afford to do so. Giving and receiving should go hand in hand. To fully experience abundance, money needs to flow through, not just into, your life. One method to incorporate the energy of giving into your quest for more wealth luck is to think about how getting what you want will also benefit others. We must remember that on our way to obtaining more wealth, we must also think of details about how others will benefit as well.
There is this saying that "it is better to give than to receive" but wouldn't it be better to be able to both give and receive as giving and receiving are perfectly balanced complements that together create a powerful whole. Giving is an important aspect to prosperity because it opens the heart to receive. It is a powerful way to express ones gratitude and appreciation for all that one has received. One also has to believe that by giving and receiving one will experience even more blessings in the future.
If you do happen to have some spare change- even if it's just a few ringgit then try donating to some charitable organisation or maybe to the cyclone or earthquake funds. If you just have enough to live by then give of your time, knowledge and skills, or your compassion. I am sure that you will discover a very special kind of happiness that only comes through sharing your fortunate blessings with others.

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