Tuesday 29 April 2008


Here is an article titled "Sweet Dreams For Baby Thanks To Feng Shui" that I got from
Babies can benefit from Feng Shui too! A pregnant woman, in ancient Chinese cultures, was considered to be lucky and brought much joy to a home. And once the baby has come home, it is an auspicious occasion indeed. The Chinese consider it bad karma however if you prepare a baby’s bedroom or nursery too early as it might invite harm from the some of their gods. Therefore, the expecting parents typically wait until a few weeks before the birth to ready the baby’s room. Using Feng Shui techniques will ease the adjustment of the baby into its new world.
Before you begin to transform a room for the baby, you will want to cleanse the room of old, past energies so that when the baby comes, everything is positive, fresh and new. Some Feng Shui practitioners believe that simply airing out the room, letting fresh air in as well as natural sunlight will do the trick. Others feel that special incense or essential oils are needed to cleanse the room. Be sure to conduct a cleansing once before you redecorate the room and once more before bringing your baby into the newly transformed room.

You will want to choose colors for the walls that reflect a soothing tranquility. Since you want the child to be able to sleep in the room with ease, loud vibrant colors such a bright red or yellow not acceptable. Bright colors tend to excite rather than relax. If you have a separate play room for your child, the bright colors would be appropriate there.
Pastels are great choices for color. Aqua, mint, peach, soft yellows and variations of these colors are best. Of course following Feng Shui tradition means that each color you use will impart certain characteristics in the room. For example, if the baby’s room falls within the direction that represents the wood element, you will want to use green colors as they signify new life and good health. Some contrasting colors that would pair well with the wood element come from the water element. These complimentary colors could include varying shades of blue.
Do not go overboard on the decorations. Simple white curtains that will let in natural light are best. Be sure to place the crib or bassinet away from the window. Instead, it should be located against the wall away from a straight line to the primary door that opens into the room. You want to avoid a direct line to the door because when energy flows into the room, you want it to circulate throughout the area rather than make a beeline to your child and bombard him or her with an overflow of energy.

Place a thriving green plant in the windowsill to maintain a positive energy flow. Of course, remember to move it once the child starts to crawl or toddle. Soft lights and music are also beneficial to maintaining a positive Chi in your baby’s room. Avoid having too many electrical plugged items in the baby’s room as they give off harmful electromagnetic fields which can disrupt a baby’s sleep cycles. Do not use any water elements in the room like fountains as it can drain away health and wealth of the family.

Just as you would with your own bedroom, your child’s room should be their sanctuary. Babies sleep a lot, but they are greatly affected by their environments nevertheless. By employing Feng Shui techniques in the baby’s room, you are doing all that you can to ensure a positive Chi for your baby. After all, just because they are little with no knowledge of Feng Shui doesn’t mean that they cannot benefit from a serene, restful environment that creates a harmonious flow of Chi.

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