Wednesday 23 April 2008


The Chinese can be considered a supersititious lot. From ancient times, people look for signs from the heavens (the sky) to see if something is good or bad.
Here are some beliefs still held by some Chinese until today:
  1. If a bat flies into your house, it means that the occupants will invite a lot of gossip.
  2. If a black bird flies in, it means that the occupants might soon have to deal with a love triangle.
  3. If you see a goose crossing your path then you must congratulate yourself for it means that you will have success and riches.
  4. Seeing an owl is bad omen as it fortells sickness, poverty and imprisonment.
  5. If a businessman catches sight of a peacock, it means that his business will be successful. For a single male, it would denote that his future wife is a beauty. In the case of single ladies, they can expect to marry a rich and good man.

Hey! Where can I go and see a peacock? Can anyone tell me?

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