2002 was a very trying year for me and my family. Both my parents became very sick and had to be hospitalised for umpteenth times. It finally culminated in the death of my father and my mother becoming very ill and depressed.
I was at wits end as to what to do until my godmother visited my house. My godmother knows a lot about feng shui and the moment she entered my house, she said that there were poison arrows at the entrance. She suggested using lighted red lanterns to overcome the problem and true enough after the lights were switched on 24 hours a day, my mum's condition improved and she slowly recovered. I later started to learn more about Feng Shui and discovered that in 2002, my parents' bedroom was badly afflicted by the 5 Yellow. Prior to this my knowledge of this Ancient Science was minimal. As my mother grew stronger and stronger, my interest in the subject intensified. Today, my mum is much healthier (picture above taken on the first day of the Chinese New Year) as compared to 6 years ago. Of course, she does become ill and tired sometimes. Mind you, she is already 75 years old and as she puts it "her engine is an old one and the parts are wearing thin". But, what I am trying to say is that with knowledge of the flying stars, I am able to identify the sectors in the house that are afflicted with bad stars for a particular year. This year, my mum has moved to the East room as her bedroom is in the dreaded South. I do not want anyone to go through the torture that my sisters and I went through and I try as much as I can to share what I have learnt with my friends and also people who come visit this blog.
Please read the following article that I uploaded from http://www.fengshuitimes.com/, as the tips in this article will teach you how to avoid illnesses and misfortune in 2008. Read on as the knowledge you get might make a difference in your life.
How to Avoid the Feng Shui Pitfalls of Illness and Misfortune in 2008.
In flying star feng shui, there are 2 nasty stars that you must avoid. If they happen to be at the direction of your house main door or your bed room door, that year will be full of sickness and misfortune. In less serious cases, it would be flu, colds, fever or migraine. In more serious cases, it may be terminal illnesses.
One word of warning: Do NOT treat these 2 stars lightly. If they are at the direction of your house main door or bedroom door, you need to neutralize them immediately.
Don't worry about it, I will show you how to neutralize them. Besides, you still have a few days more to go. The Rat year officially starts on 4th February, 1901 hours.
In flying star feng shui, the 2 most deadly stars are the 2-Black and 5-Yellow stars. The 2-Black star is the star of illnesses. If you happen to be at the position of this star, you tend to fall sick easily. Another interesting aspect of this star is that it can cause a place to be haunted.
Let's say that there is a deserted house, with it's main door facing the position of the 2-Black star. And not only that, the whole place is very dimly lit. Once the 2-Black star comes into play, it will cause female spirits to inhibit the place. If you happen to see a female spirit, it is possible that the 2-Black star is at that position and the place is dimly lit.
Why female spirits and not male spirits?Because 2-Black is a Yin (feminine energy) star.
The other deadly star is the 5-Yellow star. The 5-Yellow star brings misfortunes. It can mean from losing your job, losing money, serious illnesses or even death.
Both the 2-Black and 5-Yellow stars should be neutralized immediately without fail. In the next section, I will list out their positions for 2008 and how to neutralize them.
In 2008, the 2-Black star is in the Northwest sector and the 5-Yellow star is in the South sector. Stand in the center of your house with a compass. Then determine which rooms are in the Northwest and South sector. Most importantly, check whether your main door is in either of these sectors.
If there are no important rooms in those 2 sectors, then you are quite safe. Just avoid moving anything in those 2 sectors.
But what if you main door is in either of those 2 sectors?
I will show you how to neutralize both stars. Both 2-Black and 5-Yellow are Earth stars. You can neutralize them by using metallic objects. Earth produces Metal. When you use metallic objects, the Earth from the stars are being neutralized.
The most effective way of doing it is to use 6 copper coins, with a square hole in the middle. If you are living in asian countries, you should not have a problem finding them.
If you are staying in western countries, you need to use other objects to neutralize the 2 stars. You can either use a metallic round clock, or a metallic statue of a rooster(rooster represents metal). A big metallic bell will also do the job. If you can afford it, you can use a striking clock. The sound from the bell will neutralize their effects.
I just thought of one more very important point. Only use Metal to neutralize the Earth from the 2 stars. Do not use Wood. Although Wood destroys Earth, it will make matters worse. In flying star feng shui, you can only neutralize by using the element that weakens it. Never use the element that destroys it.
Of course, don't use Fire. Fire produces Earth, and it will cause the 2 stars to become stronger.
I wish you a smooth sailing and prosperous Rat year ahead.
I was at wits end as to what to do until my godmother visited my house. My godmother knows a lot about feng shui and the moment she entered my house, she said that there were poison arrows at the entrance. She suggested using lighted red lanterns to overcome the problem and true enough after the lights were switched on 24 hours a day, my mum's condition improved and she slowly recovered. I later started to learn more about Feng Shui and discovered that in 2002, my parents' bedroom was badly afflicted by the 5 Yellow. Prior to this my knowledge of this Ancient Science was minimal. As my mother grew stronger and stronger, my interest in the subject intensified. Today, my mum is much healthier (picture above taken on the first day of the Chinese New Year) as compared to 6 years ago. Of course, she does become ill and tired sometimes. Mind you, she is already 75 years old and as she puts it "her engine is an old one and the parts are wearing thin". But, what I am trying to say is that with knowledge of the flying stars, I am able to identify the sectors in the house that are afflicted with bad stars for a particular year. This year, my mum has moved to the East room as her bedroom is in the dreaded South. I do not want anyone to go through the torture that my sisters and I went through and I try as much as I can to share what I have learnt with my friends and also people who come visit this blog.
Please read the following article that I uploaded from http://www.fengshuitimes.com/, as the tips in this article will teach you how to avoid illnesses and misfortune in 2008. Read on as the knowledge you get might make a difference in your life.
How to Avoid the Feng Shui Pitfalls of Illness and Misfortune in 2008.
In flying star feng shui, there are 2 nasty stars that you must avoid. If they happen to be at the direction of your house main door or your bed room door, that year will be full of sickness and misfortune. In less serious cases, it would be flu, colds, fever or migraine. In more serious cases, it may be terminal illnesses.
One word of warning: Do NOT treat these 2 stars lightly. If they are at the direction of your house main door or bedroom door, you need to neutralize them immediately.
Don't worry about it, I will show you how to neutralize them. Besides, you still have a few days more to go. The Rat year officially starts on 4th February, 1901 hours.
In flying star feng shui, the 2 most deadly stars are the 2-Black and 5-Yellow stars. The 2-Black star is the star of illnesses. If you happen to be at the position of this star, you tend to fall sick easily. Another interesting aspect of this star is that it can cause a place to be haunted.
Let's say that there is a deserted house, with it's main door facing the position of the 2-Black star. And not only that, the whole place is very dimly lit. Once the 2-Black star comes into play, it will cause female spirits to inhibit the place. If you happen to see a female spirit, it is possible that the 2-Black star is at that position and the place is dimly lit.
Why female spirits and not male spirits?Because 2-Black is a Yin (feminine energy) star.
The other deadly star is the 5-Yellow star. The 5-Yellow star brings misfortunes. It can mean from losing your job, losing money, serious illnesses or even death.
Both the 2-Black and 5-Yellow stars should be neutralized immediately without fail. In the next section, I will list out their positions for 2008 and how to neutralize them.
In 2008, the 2-Black star is in the Northwest sector and the 5-Yellow star is in the South sector. Stand in the center of your house with a compass. Then determine which rooms are in the Northwest and South sector. Most importantly, check whether your main door is in either of these sectors.
If there are no important rooms in those 2 sectors, then you are quite safe. Just avoid moving anything in those 2 sectors.
But what if you main door is in either of those 2 sectors?
I will show you how to neutralize both stars. Both 2-Black and 5-Yellow are Earth stars. You can neutralize them by using metallic objects. Earth produces Metal. When you use metallic objects, the Earth from the stars are being neutralized.
The most effective way of doing it is to use 6 copper coins, with a square hole in the middle. If you are living in asian countries, you should not have a problem finding them.
If you are staying in western countries, you need to use other objects to neutralize the 2 stars. You can either use a metallic round clock, or a metallic statue of a rooster(rooster represents metal). A big metallic bell will also do the job. If you can afford it, you can use a striking clock. The sound from the bell will neutralize their effects.
I just thought of one more very important point. Only use Metal to neutralize the Earth from the 2 stars. Do not use Wood. Although Wood destroys Earth, it will make matters worse. In flying star feng shui, you can only neutralize by using the element that weakens it. Never use the element that destroys it.
Of course, don't use Fire. Fire produces Earth, and it will cause the 2 stars to become stronger.
I wish you a smooth sailing and prosperous Rat year ahead.
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