Friday 28 December 2007

FAIRY TALE (tóng huà 童话)

The song that greets you when you enter this blog is Fairy tale or Tong hua which is sung and composed by Michael Wong Guang Liang (王光良). I love this song and I am touched to tears each time I listen to it. However, it also makes me happy as the song carries a message of hope and love in it. After all it does echo the title of this blog, xing fu which means happiness. Goes to show that not only entertainers from Hong Kong and Taiwan are great. Malaysia has been able to produce a gem of a singer-songwriter. Besides the musical composition, the lyrics are truly touching. I have taken the trouble to translate it below.

GUANG LIANG - Tong Hua (tóng huà 童话)
(English Translation)
I've forgotten how long it has been
since I've heard you telling your beloved fairytale
I've thought for a long time
I start to feel confused
Have I again done something wrong?
You tearfully tell me
That all fairy tales are lies
And I can't possibly be your prince
But you still don’t understand
That since you told me you love me
All the stars in my sky are bright
I hope I’ll change this fairy tale
That angel that you love inside the fairytale
Will extend his hands turning them into wings to protect you
You have to believe that we can be just like in the fairytale
With happiness and joy in the end.
I'm willing to be that angel you love inside the fairytale
Hold out my hands to become the wings to protect you
You must believe believe
that we can be like that in the fairytale
With happiness and joy in the end
Let's write our ending together

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