Tuesday 25 December 2007


I did a post on yuen fun or affinity in which I stated that if we are destined to meet then no matter where on earth we are, we will somehow get together. I am sure you know or have met people whom you feel a particular closeness to. You somehow like to be with that person and feel at ease with him or her. Well, this is the case with me and my little nephew, James. From the time, he was born until now, there is this closeness or bond between us. Even, if I have not seen him for a few months he would still cling to me when he comes back to Ipoh or when I go visit him in PJ. He is a very good example to cite as I know that there is totally no ulterior motive or nothing to be gained if he were to show great affection for me or me to him. If it is with an adult, then the case might not be so clear cut. Nevertheless, there are a handful of people that I can put into this category. Surprisingly, they are of different races and religions. Also, I have known them for "donkey years" to know that they are my friends because they genuinely like me. Also, three of these people are all born in the year of the horse. According to my Chinese horoscope, this sign is supposed to clash with my sign but I don't put too much belief in it. You see, my grandpa, father and Jeremy are all born in the year of the horse. And I love them dearly.
However, according to the specialised Ba Zi reading I had done, there is no clash at all with the horse. Instead I am to beware of people born in the year of the Rat. Also, my ideal life partner should be someone born in the year of the Tiger or the Rabbit. It is rather confusing, isn't it? How do I go about it? Well, as for me I think the best thing is to follow my own instincts and feelings. Do not let things like this spoil our relationship or friendship.

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