Sunday 30 September 2007


Look at the pictures taken with my niece and nephew that I have posted above. The pictures were taken on Saturday when my godsister, Sophie, and her family came back for the weekend. Each time they come back, I am very busy as I love playing with my little nephew and niece, James and Jamie Lee. In my opinion there is no better treasure than your own children. They are God's gift to us. Though I don't have the privilege to have any of my own but I consider all my nephews and nieces as my own.
I brought my little nephew to the Pasar Ramadan near the Ipoh Stadium and I made sure I watched him like a hawk. At no time did my mum, my aunt Linda, his grandma and I let him wander anywhere on his own. We were really worried after reading reports of all the missing children lately. The latest one being the tragic case of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin. No doubt the majority of the people are God fearing and kind folks but then there is that small percentage of perverts and also psychopaths who would prey on little defenceless ones and do great harm to them. So, I am doing this post to remind everyone who has been given the charge of caring for little ones to be extra mindful of their safety and not to let them out of your sights. Please, please I don't want to read any more bad news about missing children.
Hope you agree with me that both the little ones are very cute and like any doting aunt, I want to show off pictures of my precious little ones to you.

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