Monday, 5 February 2007


  • The Chinese make a habit of keeping a bowl of change near their cash register or the front door of their business to make sure that they are always attracting money into their sphere.
  • To usher in good luck, the first thing that you need to do is get yourself a good compass and determine what is in the southeastern corner of your home. The Southeastern sector of your home governs both your cash flow as well as your faith in the idea that you will always be able to create money. According to the classic and traditional rules of Feng Shui (the ancient art of object placement to increase good energy in your life) the items that you place in this part of your home should be things that align with the energies of personal abundance. Purple, red and green are colours that will rein in prosperity. These three colors support prosperity energy in a space.
  • Another method is to place a pretty glass bowl containing a purple amethyst, a red carnelian and a green piece of jade. You also might want to consider painting this corner one of these colors or using purple, red and green lighting in this corner. An easy way to enhance the color value in this corner is to purchase a lava lamp in purple, red or green.
  • The Chinese consider wood or bamboo fountains to be especially auspicious when placed in the southeast area.
  • Goldfish. The southeastern area is a great place to put an aquarium. Traditionally the Chinese place eight orange or yellow gold fish and one black goldfish in an aquarium to attract money. The number 8 represents prosperity in Feng Shui. The idea too is that if misfortune hits your family, then the ninth black goldfish will die and receive the misfortune instead of you.
  • You can also buy the traditional Chinese poster of Eight Horses. This is an image of eight horses that can be purchased either as a statue or as a poster that adds good qi to this sector. Please note the position of your front door when positioning this poster. Make sure that the direction the horses are running is INTO the house and not out the front or back doors!
  • Try to remember that the more we give, the more room we make to receive blessings. Giving doesn't have to be in the form of cash or kind. Smiling at a child, complimenting your partner, volunteering for a charity also denotes giving. All of these things and any others you can imagine will return the qi or energy you spend many times over. Keep adding to it and you get the effect of compound interest for all that good qi. With that kind of energy in your life, your Feng Shui work to improve your life will have a powerful effect.

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