Friday, 2 February 2007


Since I will be going back to Ipoh on Saturday, 3rd February, I will post the details now. This day happens to be the 16th day of the 12th month and the animal in conflict is the dog. It is a good day for repairing walls and roads and installing the deceased in the coffin. The auspicious times are 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. In Cantonese this day is also referred to as Mei Ngar, my aunt May will always remind me to start planting the "nga ku" bulb or Chinese arrowroot (Sagittaria trifolia L.) during this day so that it will grow in time for Chinese New Year.Chinese arrowhead root is a swamp vegetable, like the lotus root and water chestnut. Its growth signifies the beginning of spring and symbolizes prosperity.

Nga ku can also be made into chips which are really addictive. I really look forward to eating them each festive season but if bought off the shelves, they cost a tidy sum. During Chinese New Year shops and markets in many markets and shops in Malaysia are bursting with red-capped, clear plastic containers of nga ku chips. The prices vary from RM12 - RM15 for each container. I have since learnt to make them and have saved a lot of money. If anyone is interested in the recipe, please leave a message and I will publish the recipe in a future post.

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