Wednesday 13 February 2008


Since today is the 13th and tomorrow will be Valentine's Day, I got the feng shui tips for love and relationship from to share with you.

Feng Shui Tip # 1 :
Never give your loved one white roses. Reserve these flowers for mature people only.

Feng Shui Tip # 2 :
Display a pair of mandarin ducks to symbolize happiness and fulfillment for lovers.

Feng Shui Tip # 3 :
Never display a solo mandarin duck. This implies that you wish to be single forever.

Feng Shui Tip # 4 :
If you are single, make sure that the décor in your home is not excessively feminine.

Feng Shui Tip # 5 :
Peonies symbolize a happy love life and marriage luck.

Feng Shui Tip # 6:
Fresh flowers in the bedroom is not conducive to harmony and love. Put them elsewhere outside the bedroom.

Feng Shui Tip # 7 :
Guard your relationship from third party intrusion by taking away mirrors from the bedrooms.

Feng Shui Tip #8:

If you are a single male, display items or photos that represent the presence of females/Yin.

Feng Shui Tip#9:
If you are single female, some Yang images or displays that shows male masculinity will be beneficial.

Feng Shui Tip #10:
Need to bring a little bit of spark back to a relationship? Place a dragon-headed turtle in your relationship corner to symbolize a new beginning.

Feng Shui Tip # 11:
Dragons can be good for your Relationships too. Don’t place them alone but always pair them with the Phoenix for a perfect partnership or marriage.

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