Saturday 31 July 2010


Heather Locklear
Pamela Lee Anderson
Kate Moss
Christina Ricci
Emma Thompson
Julia Roberts
Renee Zellweger

When we see pictures of actresses in magazines and the newspapers, most of us would notice how glamourous and beautiful they are and feel envious.  Right?  I for one am guilty of thinking such. 

Well, I stumbled onto some sites in the Internet that show some famous celebrities with and without make-up and what a difference that makes.

Without the skill and artistry of the professional make-up artists and the hairstylists, most of them look like normal housewives or people living next door to us.  In Malaysia, we would say they look like the Aunty next door.


There are many wonderful places in the world that I do not know about and have not visited but thanks to the Internet, I can learn about them and also view the photographs.  Take for instance, the Swarovski Fountain which forms the entrance to the headquarters of Swarovski Crystals Company in Wattens, Austria of Swarovski that is pictured above.
The company runs a crystal-themed indoor theme park, Swarovski Kristallwelten (Crystal Worlds) at its original Wattens site (near Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria). The Crystal Worlds centre is fronted by a grass-covered head, the mouth of which is a fountain. The grass-covered Crystal Worlds houses exhibitions related to, or inspired by, the crystals — but do not include explanations of how the famous designs are made, produced or finished.


I saw these lovely gold and silver cookie coins in a blog called "A cupcake project". Wah!  Gold and silver coins are so auspicious.  If we learn how to make them to give to our friends, I am sure they would be really pleased.  If you are not up to making the cookies yourself you can order them from Norainie who is from Ipoh.  She even holds classes on baking.
The blogger cum chef made these cookie coins using the chocolate moulds below.

To find out how to make the cookies, please visit:


Daun gajus, for example, has been known to have anti-diabetic effect as it can help lower blood sugar level.  The young leaves, in particular the shoots, are best eaten with sambal belacan and white rice. 

Besides being tasty, the cashew leaves have a lot of health benefits that many people are unaware of.
The leaves of this plant can be brewed as a tea to treat diarrhoea, indigestion and stomach pains. 
Besides the leaves, the flowers can be used to treat cancer and the seeds are said to be able to help cure asthma.  It can also help to treat gastric and uterine problems. 

Friday 30 July 2010


Look at the cute bunnies in the pictures.  They were on sale at the Pasar Tani last week.  I did not buy any but just wanted to hold one.  It was so soft and fluffy.  The little bunnies are reared in Pantai Remis.  Next year will be the year of the Rabbit.  Let's hope that there won't be people who buy them as a novelty for the New Year and then get rid of them later on.  That would be rather irresponsible.


My school had an Aqiqah ceremony this afternoon whereby a few cows were sacrificed to express one's gratitude.  I am the one who would usually be at the forefront when taking photographs but not when it comes to taking pictures of cows being slaughtered or the meat being cut up.  Actually, I don't like to look at or touch raw meat.  It makes me feel grossed out and sick.  The smell of it makes me feel nauseated and queasy.  I have been like this since young.  I think some people do not eat meat by choice but not so in my case.  As I grew older, I would feel totally sick if I see pictures of animals being slaughtered. 


I love eating Siput Sedut or Balitong.  However, I prefer to buy the shellfish and eat it at home as I want to have the pleasure of sucking out the flesh from the shell without people staring at me.  Believe me the experience of sucking the flesh out is as good as eating it.


My friends and I have always referred to the fruit above as Jambu Air but in the English language it has many different names.  Among the names are water apple, rose apple, wax apple, love apple, java apple, Jamaican apple, bellfruit and curaçaose appel.  I noticed that most of the names given to the fruit has the word apple attached to it.  However there is only one botanic name for the Jambu Air, that is, Syzygium samarangense.

All this while I did not realise that the Jambu Air can be used as a natural cure until now. I found out about it after looking for information about the fruit in the Internet.

Water Apple Natural Cures.

Have you heard of Sariawan? or its scientific name stomatitis aphtosa is a very painful blister that can be found on the inner lips, or mouth. Eating water apple can help to cure this stomatitis aphtosa because of its high watery content and vitamin A.

Eating water apple also is good for relieving sore throat as it is very juicy.



I saw the picture of apples that are red through and through in the Internet and immediately looked up information about it.  It seems that Swiss apple grower Markus Kobelt has developed a red-skinned and red-fleshed apple called the Redlove Era.  Mind you, it took him twenty years to get it right after much cross-pollination and grafting.
We are all familiar with the white or yellowish fleshed apples, right?  Well the Redlove Era has a sort of reddish-pink marbled flesh with a bit of white flesh thrown in.  It seems that these apples have a higher antioxidant content and that the flesh will not go brown after being sliced and left out in the open. Also, the Redlove Era is supposedly sweet, tangy and amazingly delicious.

And now, let me list out the amazing qualities the Redlove apple is said to possess:
•Rosy-red flesh with a beautiful pattern running through it.

•Crisp and juicy fruit with a hint of berries. Delicious eaten raw but also ideal for cooking – it retains its red colour!

•Higher in antioxidants than other apples

•Exceptionally high resistance to scab

•Unusual, long-lasting, deep pink spring blossom.


Thursday 29 July 2010


The double ten symbol in Chinese
Taipei 101

The symbol for ten in Chinese is +.  It is considered a powerful fengshui symbol to the Chinese. In Taipei, Taiwan, the City Hall is situated atop the T-junction of a road.  I am sure that many would know that having a home or building atop a T-junction is considered bad Feng Shui.
To negate the bad effects of the T-junction,  the Taipei city hall designers made the building in the shape of a Double Ten symbol.  This symbol would be really significant when it is viewed from the air  via satellite or the Taipei 101 observation deck.
The explanation for using the double ten symbol is that since the T-junction is bad luck and Double Ten is good luck therefore the bad luck will be negated by good luck. Get it!


The beautiful couple above is Dr Sheikh Muszaphar and Dr Harlina.  The photo was taken on their engagement date.  Dr Sheikh created Malaysian history when he blasted off to the International Space Station (ISS) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, in Russia’s Soyuz TMA-11 on 10 October 2007 and returned to Earth 11 days later.  The couple has picked October 10, 2010 as their wedding day to commemorate Dr Sheikh's departure to the ISS.
However, Dr Sheikh and his fiance are not the only couple planning to marry on 10.10.10.  It seems that hundreds of Singaporeans have also earmarked this particular date to exchange their vows.  Unlike, the Malaysian Astronaut who blasted off to space on this date, the couples in Singapore have another reason why they have chosen this date.
Read the asticle below to find out why.
Hundreds of Singaporeans to wed on 10/10/10
Some couples in Singapore want to make sure that everything is more than a perfect 10 on their wedding day.

So they have booked to tie the knot on October 10 this year for that combination — 10/10/10.
According to the Registry of Marriages, 348 couples have registered to get married on that date.
Another reason is because in Chinese, 10 is pronounced as "shi". It is used in the phrase "Shi Quan Shi Mei", which means "perfect in every way".
But getting married on a popular date requires extra planning. Bridal boutiques and spas Channel NewsAsia spoke to said the number of customers for the special date has almost doubled.
After October 10, another possible hot date is October 20 or 20/10/2010.
Source: CNA/


One of the regular visitors to this blog asked me if there were any Feng Shui rituals for losing weight.  I told her that as far as I am concerned the best way to lose weight is to be very disciplined in maintaining a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
However, I managed to find an article by Katryn Weber on using Feng Shui for Weight Loss.  Maybe, those who want to lose some kilos might consider the advice given below.

Feng Shui for Weight Loss

- Lose Weight by Making Easy Changes to Your House

Lots of people struggle with losing weight. We try everything and stick to nothing. We often become discouraged when diets don't work and resolutions fail. If that's happened to you, then maybe you should put your house on a diet instead.
If weight loss has been unsuccessful, frustrated dieters will be glad to know they can make small adjustments to their home that can help them succeed in the battle with weight loss. Your body is your spiritual home and holds your inner energy and our houses hold our bodies.
Interestingly, many people find that when they clean out and clear out the excess clutter in their homes, they also feel better physically.
Feng shui is another way of achieving what you want in life regardless of whether it's attracting a love interest or losing weight. That's because we are all products of our environment, and if our environment is stuffed then we will be, too.
Every scientist understands that all energy in the universe is either a positive or negative energy. The same is true in feng shui with all the energies of the earth being either "yin" or "yang." Yin energy is dark, cold, and passive energy.
Yang is light, warm, and active energy. Balancing the two complementary but opposing energies can produce results that we want, and their harmony is crucial to good feng shui. With these rules in mind, it's possible to succeed with your weight-loss goals if diets have failed using the positive and negative energies of feng shui.
Too many houses have yin energy in the house and the kitchen energy is excessively yang. When energy is out of balance, it results in negative consequences. If too much attention, or yang energy, is given to the kitchen, excess weight occurs because of the appetite stimulation. Conversely, if the house suffers from too much clutter, the house has excess yin energy and the body responds in kind.

**For the simplest way to lose weight, focus on making the kitchen yin, to suppress appetite, and infuse the rest of the house with yang energy (raise energy, reduce clutter) to raise metabolism.**

Here are just a few tips to use feng shui energy correctly for losing weight:
  1. Avoid red and yellow colors in the kitchen. These colors are yang, active colors and stimulate hunger. They're also the two most popular colors used in fast-food restaurants. White is another color that's appetite stimulating and very commonly used in restaurants. Many gourmet restaurants serve giant portions on huge white platters and this is very appetite stimulating.
  2. Use yin energy in the kitchen to curb appetite. Use the yin colors of blue and even black in the kitchen to decorate and buy black or blue-colored plates to help suppress hunger and make you feel full faster. These yin colors in the kitchen lower the energy level of the kitchen and won't over stimulate your appetite.
  3. Don't enter your home through a door that opens into the kitchen. Many overweight people enter their home through the kitchen. Doing so stimulates the desire to eat. Use another door instead so you won't be prompted to think about food as soon as you walk into the house. One success story came from a couple who took steps to block off their kitchen that looked into the family room where they watched TV. Being there just prompted them to watch TV and eat. Use a curtain or a folding screen to block views of the kitchen and curb thoughts of food and eating.
  4. Improve the yang energy of your home. Clear out excess clutter and anything that's old and unused to promote healthy yang energy in the home and in your body. Our homes are often "weighed down" by the clutter in them just as we are by our excess weight. Overweight is your body's way of holding on to excess. Clearing out the clutter just might be what you need to stimulate the energy in your home and your body and will boost the potential of letting go of your own extra weight.
  5. Get rid of old clothes. When we want to create a new image of ourselves it means we need to take steps to eliminate the old image. One of the surest ways to do this is to get rid of our old fashions. We stay "stuck" at our present weight and image by hanging on to old clothing.
  6. Even holding on to that pair of jeans that used to fit is a way to keep us in our current weight. Be ruthless and pare down your clothing to what fits and looks the very best -- and is fashionable. They say not to buy new clothes when you're trying to lose weight and I disagree. Once you see how great you look in some new fashions, you might be more motivated to lose.
Accumulation has become a way of life for many people -- often turning eating and shopping into a recreational activity. Unfortunately, the accumulation is often symbolized by body weight. By paying attention to our surroundings and making them more supportive of our goals, such as losing weight, we are more in harmony with our environment and ourselves. Using the two energies of yin and yang where appropriate is another powerful step to creating the healthy home and body we desire.
© K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2010

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "Easy Money - 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui" visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!


The plant in the above pictures is known as putat.  Most of plants in which the young leaves can be eaten as Ulam would most probably be good for ones skin as it helps the circulation of blood.  However, not many people eat the putat nor do they know about its benefits.  The village folks believe that one would remain youthful by eating lots of putat. 
Other than helping one to look young, the fruit of the plant can be made into a juice or it is directly applied to the face to help it become smoother.  The roots of the Putat tree is boiled and drunk to reduce the whitish discharge that some women may suffer fraom.  It is also believed to be able to cure drug addiction.  The roots of the putat are also said to be able to cool the body down as it contains saponin. 
The leaves are used in a poultice for itching and chicken-pox, as well as to treat sore throats.


I have a great fascination with herbs and yesterday afternoon I was fortunate enough to get the proprietor of a restaurant in Teluk Batik to let me visit her herb garden.  The herbs she plants can eaten as ulam-ulaman with the lovely array of sambals that she makes to eat with them.  I am pictured with the Makcik who is a delightful cook and also very knowledgeable about traditional Malay herbs.
This is the pokok ara which is growing by the side of a wall of the restaurant.  There are traditional folk stories about this particular plant being the hideout of ghostly beings.  The young shoots of this plant can be eaten as ulam as well.
Here is the front of the restaurant. 
This the pokok kuncur.  There are two types really.  The one above has broader leaves and the shoots are more reddish in colour.
Me posing beside a Kuncur plant.  The Makcik told me that the plant grows wild in the jungle.  However she has managed to plant a few in her garden.
The Pokok Tenggek Burung which is believed to have properties to raise male libido.
Some of the Pokok Tenggek Burung in the Herb Garden.
Pokok gajus or cashew nut plant
The young shoots of the pokok gajus can be eaten as ulam.
Putat sungai
Temu Pauh