Thursday 10 December 2009


Every time I do a post about me doing a Feng Shui audit for a friend, I would get emails from people requesting me to the same for their homes. They even ask me how much I charge for the service.
I wish to inform everyone that I rarely do Feng Shui audits for a house and if I do, I usually do so for my close friends. I do not charge them for the service. As a token they just give me a red packet as this is customary or treat me to 'makan' at a foodstall. I guess people like to ask me to do so as they feel that I am not out to make money from it and that what I do is genuine.
Unfortunately, I am not a professional geomancer and only do this as a hobby. I could have recommended my Feng Shui teacher, Wendy. She charges for her Feng Shui audits by the square feet of a house and is a real professional. However, she has migrated to Australia with her family.

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