Thursday 10 December 2009


This is a cure for diabetes that is used by the Indians (the one in India and not Malaysia). We in Malaysia use the peria katak or the small type of bitter gourd to reduce sugar in our blood. Below is the instruction for the cure using the lady's finger (okra).
  1. Take two pieces of Lady's Finger (kacang bendi) and cut both ends of each piece.

  2. Put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces in glass of water.

  3. Cover the glass and keep it at room temperature during night.

  4. The next morning, before breakfast simply remove two pieces of lady's finger from the glass and drink that water.
  5. Keep doing it on daily basis.

In the article that I read, the person who tried this cure said that within two weeks, one would be able to notice a reduction of SUGAR. This is because Lady's Finger, Bhindi, Bendi or Okra is very high in fiber and contains the mucilage that controls the absorption of sugar in the intestines. If you are diabetic, do give it a try as it is a natural cure. And cheap too!


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