Wednesday 9 December 2009


I blogged about the crazy fan of a Korean singer who went overboard by sending him a love note written in her menstrual blood with bits of her pubic hair stuck to it. That was a distasteful piece of news. Wonder what got into her to make her send such inauspicious things to someone she profess to admire.
Here is a news article about the good done by the members Korean hottie, Kim Hyun Joong's Fan Club who have been donating generously to a fund for children with leukaemia in Korea. This is their way of showing their love and support for their idol. If I have a daughter I hope that she would become a fan of Kim Hyun Joong as she might be inspired by him (just like his other fans) to do good deeds.
I have downloaded the article below:
Having very good singing skill, excellent stage charisma, acting skill and a passionate heart, SS501 leader Kim Hyun Joong, behind such a excellent singer, there's a group of passionate people. This group of people is from Kim Hyun Joong's fan club 'Kim Hyun Joong Perfect'. Kim Hyun Joong has once told his fans to 'please live life like a flower'.

Last April, Kim Hyun Joong's fan club 'Kim Hyun Joong Perfect' donated to 'Korea Leukaemia Children Foundation' (Chairman Song Sang Hyun) a total of 10,000,000 won (~US$8602) in donation for children suffering from cancer, through their sharing, they showed their beauty like flower.'Kim Hyun Joong Perfect' members even organized trips to cancer children hospital to give their support to the children.

Starting from April, 'Kim Hyun Joong Perfect''s love sharing continued until now, 'Kim Hyun Joong Perfect' gave SS501 new album 'Rebirth' to Korea Leukaemia Children Foundation'.

A social worker of Korea Leukaemia Children Foundation, Yin Na Yeon expressed her thanks: "Paediatric cancer treatment needs in average about 2-3 years. Chemotherapy treatment which is difficult for adults to withstand is even more tough for the children. However, SS501's album gave them a lot of strength."

Some members of 'Kim Hyun Joong Perfect' even used their personal name to participate in sponsoring regularly to the cancer children and also sent food for the cancer children in the cancer children center monthly.The loving fan club behind the star 'Kim Hyun Joong Perfect', to the children suffering from cancer, their beautiful hearts are their gift of great hope.

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