Wednesday 3 May 2017


This is the Jarum Tujuh Bilah plant that is found in the college herb garden.  It was grown from a cutting.  
It is used in traditional medicine in Malaysia to treat cancer.  To find our more, read the information below.

Saecnarosa or in Malay Pokok Jarum Tujuh Bilah or Pokok Tujuh Jarum (Seven needles plant) from the family of Cactaceae is a cactus plant with leaves, probably not a common type of cactus plant as most of the cactus I have seen are without any leaf. This plant originally came from Korea but could be found in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia and can live in almost any type of condition except cold area. Hmm, that means it can't be grown in Cameron Highlands. However it grows better under the hot sun and in tropical climate.

How's how it is taken:

There are three ways to prepare this herb:

1) You take 2 slices of Pereskia leaves and mix it with warm water, let it infuse for about 2 minutes and drink it as a tea.

2) You can eat it raw

3) You can juice it by blending several leaves of Pereskia.

After taking it, you are advised against taking any other types of drinks immediately as you would lose its potency. I should think you could drink some plain water to wash it down though. After all, the taste is bitter so it could be difficult to ingest it. However if it can cure, it could be use as part of your arsenal against cancer.


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