Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Do You Know Your Spectacles Feng Shui? Branded Spectacle and Glasses Feng Shui Important tips for spectacles in feng shui

Branded, designer frames spectacle and glasses , so many options so many designs and each one unique, you also have online options to choose frames and see what and which specs will suit you and look good on your face. Going by the brand name and the looks, lets see some feng shui considerations that will help you in life while you buy choose and use your branded spectacles.
Its easy too get the latest patterns and frames in spectacles and then begin the feng shui energy as you start using them in your day to day life.How comfortable is the specs, how does it go along with your lifestyle, and how easy it is to use that is wear and remove.

Swarovski Frames for Spectacles

Unique Frames for spectacles
1) Of course look for the brand name you want and also the price ranges but see that the chosen specs and frames are in your budget range or price allotted for this, only then you will be happy wearing them. Otherwise there will always be doubts coming up, whether you took the right decisions.and that will be with every use taking away your personal energy.
2) See that the chosen frames and sizes go well with your lifestyle. Buying a modern funky specs is great but wearing them to office daily is just another thing you must consider while selecting your spectacles.
3) How is the case, yes the home of your spectacles. If you don't realize the importance ask people and see how difficult it gets sometimes to carry the case in your hand bags and clutches.The case as well must be good and easy to carry with your branded spectacles.
4) How is the feel, here comes feng shui. Do you feel good or you feel ist out of the place. Here again personal preferences and choices are important. Go with your own gut feelings and not with fashion trends only, or any friends suggestions.
5) How long it has been that you cleaned the glass of your specs? most important! Dirty stained glass in your spectacles or cracked glass or frame brings out a disillusioned picture of the world.
Replace the frames, buy a new one if it is cracked or worn out. Keep cleaning the glass regularly to get a clear view and picture of the world. It is really very very important as your life will be influenced with this one decision,
Try it it works wonders to your life!


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