Wednesday 4 February 2015


Lichun 立春 or Lup chun (in Cantonese) marks the beginning of the season of spring. The change of zodiac signs commence from this day. But it is not the 1st day on the Lunar Calendar which we Chinese celebrate our Lunar New Year. In ancient China, Li Chun is the day where farmers begin their work on the field after a long rest.

Li Chun normally falls on the 3rd or 4th of February of the Gregorian calendar, the calendar commonly in use today. In the Year of the Goat 2015, Li Chun is on 4 February 2015,12.00 noon.  There are some Feng Shui websites who give the time as 11.58 a.m., 12.07 p.m. and 12.09 p.m.  Actually all these times are within the Horse hour.

In the lunisolar calendar, New Year's Day might be before or after Lup Chun . A year without Lichun is called 無春年 (no spring year). 無春年 is also known as 寡婦年 (widow year) in northern China or 盲年 (blind year) in southern China. Marriage is believed to be unlucky in a year without Lichun.

In ancient times, on Li Chun Day, the reigning Emperor would lead the officials of the Imperial Court to the Eastern Field (東郊 out from the Capital City) to welcome Spring or  the Deity of Spring (迎春神).

As for commoners, they would visit Temples to pay respect to Deities to ask for blessings for the 
New Year.

Besides the above mentioned Events, Li Chun Day is also a Day to usher in Lord Tai Sui of the New Lunar Year (值年太歲星君).


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